If there is one thing the pandemic has shown us is that there’s a great divide between people due to the nationalities or the passports they hold. For example, people that have two or more passports were able to leave or travel out of their current country of residency in order to gp to their other country of citizenship. We personally have seen it in friends and acquaintances who have have dual citizenships (Philippines and Canada) and they were simply able to fly out at the time when vaccinations and hospital cases were just at an all time record high in the Philippines. They flew to Canada and enjoyed the “safer” environment that Canada provided. Truly, having a second passport impacts one’s mobility, broadens one’s opportunities and really comes in handy in times of crisis.
Having a powerful passport from a first world country such as Canada opens a window of opportunities not just for yourself but for your children and generations to come.
For 2022, a Canadian passport is still considered one of the most powerful in the world with visa-free access to around 185 countries (when there isn’t a non-essential travel advisory in effect) and of course, having a Canadian passport means you’re a citizen, check out the perks of being a Canadian.
To see how Canada’s passport stacks up against other countries around the world, you can see the 2022 ranking here.
Blog post and photo inspired by this article.